Patient Satisfaction

A singular focus on people.

Customer Service Excellence

Each time you step foot in an MMH facility, we want you to have a positive experience. Our Manager of Risk and Compliance works with your healthcare team to enhance your hospital stay and resolve any problems that may arise. If a concern is important to you, it is important to us. MMH uses feedback to improve services and performance.

Our team member can be reached by calling 812.933.5266 during regular business hours. On weekends and holidays, please contact the nursing supervisor with concerns.

Concerns and Complaints

The presentation of a concern or complaint will not jeopardize the quality or availability of care you receive. If you have a concern related to any aspect of care during your hospital stay, please ask to speak to an MMH team member.

If the problem can’t be resolved in this manner, you may contact the Manager of Risk and Compliance at 812.933.5266. Someone will personally respond to your call as quickly as possible. After your concern has been filed, you can expect an explanation of the resolution.

Grievance Process

If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint, you have the right to file a grievance. You may register your grievance in writing, by phone or in person to the Manager of Risk and Compliance as follows:

Attn: Manager of Risk and Compliance, Margaret Mary Health, 321 Mitchell Avenue, Batesville, IN 47006 or call 812.933.5266

All grievances are investigated and reviewed by the grievance committee. You will be provided with a written response that outlines the steps taken to investigate your grievance, the results of the grievance process and the date the process was completed.

Patients or family members who believe their concerns about safety or care have not been addressed by the hospital may contact:

Indiana Department of Health (IDOH)

If you have a question or concern that a licensed health care facility or entity has violated a regulation, a complaint may be submitted by calling or using the online complaint form. 

Phone: (800) 246-8909

Online Form: Complaint Submission form

The Joint Commission (TJC)

Office of Quality and Patient Safety
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181

Phone: (800) 994-6610

Online Form: Report a Patient Safety Concern or File a Complaint