Heart & Vascular
Taking care of your heart and vascular health is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health.
812.717.4803 - Cardiologists
812.933.5115 - Tests
812.933.5024 - Rehab

Trust us with Your Heart
As a partner of The Christ Hospital Health Network, MMH brings high-quality cardiovascular care from Greater Cincinnati’s Heart HospitalSM close to home. This offers our patients convenient access to specialists from one of America’s leading heart programs, five days a week at our main hospital campus. Our primary care providers work closely with the cardiology team from The Christ Hospital Heart & Vascular Institute to create leading-edge, comprehensive treatment plans for patients.
Cardiologists diagnose and treat a variety of cardiac conditions, including:
- Angina
- Aortic aneurysm
- Heart attack
- Heart failure
- Heart rhythm disorder
- Heart valve disease
- High blood pressure
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Vascular disease

For an appointment with a Christ Hospital cardiologist, call 812.717.4803.
Vascular Screening
Our vascular screening assesses a person's risk for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, aortic aneurysm and peripheral artery disease. This 30-minute appointment includes limited ultrasound exams of your abdominal aorta and carotid arteries and measures your ankle brachial index (ABI), all of which are useful in determining vascular disease. Screening appointments are available every Tuesday from 7:30-9:30 AM at the main campus. Cost is $49.
A referral is not needed to schedule an appointment for our vascular screening, however the screening is recommended for anyone 60 and older, as well as those 50 and older who experience the following risk factors: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, a personal history of smoking or a family history of heart conditions. To schedule an appointment, call 812.933.5602.
Calcium Score Test
A calcium score test helps determine the amount of calcified plaque in your heart through a quick and non-invasive CT scan. Some patients may have plaque without experiencing any symptoms. Your doctor may recommend this test if you are between the ages of 40-70 and experience the following risk factors: a family history of heart disease, obesity, high cholesterol, inactive lifestyle and history of smoking. This test can assist your healthcare provider in making treatment decisions if you have a borderline risk of heart disease.
A cardiologist will discuss your calcium score and a treatment plan with you, if necessary. Scores can range from 0 to over 400, the lower the better. Treatment options include lifestyle changes, a daily aspirin and cholesterol-lowering medications. Talk to your primary care provider if you think a calcium score test is right for you.

Cardiopulmonary Services
Our cardiopulmonary department combines two specialized areas: the heart and lungs. By working closely with your physician, our cardiopulmonary team, comprised of respiratory therapists, cardiac sonographers and nurses, can help diagnose heart conditions and lung disease or measure progress in disease treatment.
The cardiopulmonary department is conveniently located just inside the hospital’s main entrance. With a dedication to providing the highest quality of care and testing, we utilize state-of-the-art technology and ensure our staff receives ongoing education.
As an accredited member of The Christ Hospital Chest Pain Network, MMH partners with The Christ Hospital so patients have support to better manage heart disease. Click here to learn more about available support groups.
Freedom from Smoking
If you want to quit smoking, vaping or using smokeless tobacco, MMH now offers a cessation program to help you kick the habit for good.
Developed by the American Lung Association, Freedom From Smoking® is a seven-week group course providing support and tools to prepare you for your Quit Day.
Classes are held at 5:30 PM on Tuesdays at MMH's cancer center. Cost for the entire seven-week program is $25. To learn more or to register, call 812.933.3776.
Types of Cardiopulmonary Tests
Cardiac/Pulmonary Rehab
Our goal is to help you resume an active, productive life.
If you’ve experienced medical issues with your heart or lungs, our rehab programs can help you regain strength and reduce your risk of future problems. Our facility offers state-of-the-art equipment including treadmills, stationary bicycles, recumbent steppers, rowing machines and free weights.
Whereas cardiac rehab is designed to help you recover from heart conditions (such as a heart attack, coronary artery bypass, valve replacement or stent placement), pulmonary rehab is for people with chronic lung diseases like COPD, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. The facility operates under the direction of a nurse and exercise specialist, with assistance from an overseeing medical director, social workers, dietitians and other health care professionals.
Physical activity is an important part of our programs as exercise can improve the function of your heart and lungs. If you’ve never exercised before, don’t worry. We will make sure your program is tailored to meet your needs and moves at a pace that is comfortable and safe for you.
During rehab, we’ll also educate you about such topics as weight loss, nutrition, smoking cessation, blood pressure, medications and pain/fatigue. Another benefit is the camaraderie. Many of our patients say they enjoy getting to know and work out with others who have gone through similar experiences they have.